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From Wikipedia
Module documentation
This module is imported from the English Wikipedia page en:Module:NUMBEROFSECTIONS. It has no documentation, and relevant information may be found at the corresponding English Wikipedia documentation page. For more details see the editing history of the module.

The above documentation is transcluded from Module:NUMBEROFSECTIONS/doc.

local p = {}

-- Unescape functionality grabbed from https://stackoverflow.com/a/14899740/1832568
local function unescape(str)
	str = string.gsub(str, '&#(%d+);', string.char)
	str = string.gsub(str, '&#x(%d+);', function(n) return string.char(tonumber(n, 16)) end)
	return str

-- Counting function accepting a string haystack and table of needles
local function count(haystack, needles)
	local number = 0
	-- While we have needles to look for
	for index, needle in ipairs(needles) do
		-- find them all in our haystack
		for m in string.gmatch(haystack, needle) do
			number = number + 1
	return number

-- Function takes any number of # delimited page names and section level numbers
function p.main(frame)
	local total = 0
	local needles = {}
	local haystack = ''
	-- Separate page names from # delimited string into table
	local pages = mw.text.split(unescape(frame.args[1]), '%s?#%s?')
	-- Separate whitespace delimited section level numbers into table
	local levels = mw.text.split(frame.args['level'], '%s*')
	-- Iterate through levels
	for level in mw.text.gsplit(table.concat(levels), '') do
		-- and add the level needle to needles
		needles[#needles + 1] = '\n'..string.rep('=', tonumber(level))..'[^=]'
	-- For each page name in pages
	for index, page in ipairs(pages) do
		-- create a haystack to search from the page content
		haystack = mw.title.new(page):getContent()
		-- If we've requested the content of a legitimate page
		if haystack then
			--[[ pass the raw markup and needles to count
				 and add the return to total ]]
			total = total + count('\n' .. haystack, needles)
	--[[ then return how many sections of the required level
		 are in all the pages passed ]]
	return total

return p